Focus on sustainable and Irish wellness brands
With a history of childhood cancer, self care has become hugely important to me. Not only on a physical level but also to promote good mental health.
When I was 9 years old, I was diagnosed with leukaemia. This is a cancer of the blood and I needed intense chemo and radio therapy to treat it. I am hugely grateful to have survived what I did and it truly shaped me as an adult. Seeing the world in a different light, I know the importance of looking after yourself – eating well and looking after my body.
Taking on new wellness and skincare products for Heron & Haven, sustainability is always at the back of my mind, as is our passion to promote Irish products where ever possible.

Each product that we take on is firstly tested by me. I have ultra sensitive skin since having radiation treatment and so it is important to me that the skincare products we stock are hypo allergenic and suit sensitive skin types.
I use the Øxmantown cleansing oil daily, which includes a blend of Camelia and Geranium oils. Camelia oil is thought to possess anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and astringent properties and Geranium oil is thought to naturally purify and soothe your skin.
With a background in floristry, I like our products to be made using natural ingredients. It has always fascinated me that the plants around us can have healing and beneficial effects. It really taps into our Irish tradition also. Historically and culturally Irish people, particularly women have used natural botanical ingredients to make tea, to aid sleep, to soften the skin, and to treat ailments. It intrigues me that we can continue those traditions through the use of beautiful Irish handmade products.
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